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How to Cope with the Grief of Losing a Loved One

2023-08-03 | 3 Mins Read

Whether we are mentally prepared for the passing away of a loved one or not, actually losing them always hits us hard and leaves a gaping hole in our lives. The hollowness and pain one feels in their absence can be so unbearable that it often has a crippling effect on us—both, emotionally and spiritually. So many of us don’t even know how to start processing our grief let alone get through it and that is alright. In fact, the first step to cope with the grief of losing a loved one is to understand that everyone grieves and heals differently. What may work for another may not work for you and vica-versa. We, at TLS, are extremely mindful of this and will support you in whatever way you choose to handle your pain.

Below are a few ways that may help you in coping with the grief of losing a loved one~

1. Allowing Yourself to Experience Grief — Often, people turn into robots after hearing about the passing away of a loved one. They become completely numb to what is happening around them and just focus intensely on getting all the last rites and funeral services in order. While this may work for some people, it may also be incredibly hard for others who need to truly experience their pain so that they can get through it properly. They may need to cry it out as deeply as possible or just have some alone time to themselves but in the midst of having to organise everything for the funeral, they may not find the proper opportunity to do so. This is where we come in—companies like TLS take over the entire organisation and execution of the funeral service so that loved ones actually get a chance to mourn the deceased soul and begin to process their grief instead of becoming fully numb to it.

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2. Celebrating Your Loved One’s Life — The thing that causes us the deepest pain and grief is the idea that our loved one will no longer be a physical part of our lives. While death is an unchangeable fact of all our lives, we must remember and recognise that death does not erase the lives we or our loved ones lived. Sometimes, we heal our pain by accepting and celebrating the fact that our loved ones led a full life. Let us help you in doing so by curating special documentaries, video messages, and photo galleries cherishing your memories with your loved one. Not only does going through these pictures and videos remind us of the beautiful time wehad with our loved one but also makes us more grateful that we received the chance to make these memories together in the first place. Plus, every time the absence of your loved one becomes unbearable, looking at their smile or hearing how they used to laugh or talk can sometimes ease your pain a little.

3. Charity — Even if our loved ones leave us physically, the values they instilled in us and the compassion they taught us stays with us for the rest of our lives. Some say that the best way to heal yourself is to help others. This is why many people choose to set up charitable trusts or scholarships in their loved one’s name in order to eternalise their legacy. Whether it is adopting a cow, helping children, planting trees, or so much more, we are here to assist you in picking out and organising whatever charity honours your loved one’s memory the best.

4. Religion and Spirituality — When we lose a loved one, a lot of us seek solace in religion. We want to ensure that all the necessary prayers and ceremonies are performed so that our loved one’s soul can transition peacefully to their next life or have a happy afterlife. Others are drawn to more existential questions about the nature of death and the afterlife. They try to rationalise their grief by seeking answers to all their spiritual questions. Irrespective of whichever category you may fall into, we have a team of experienced priests ready to help you achieve some peace of mind by answering all your questions as well as performing any prayer or paath you would like to do for your loved one’s sake.

5. Grief Counselling — You may feel that the onus of coping with your grief lies entirely on you but that is simply not true. There are multiple professionals out there who are trained to help you process your grief and get through it should you feel lonely or isolated at any point during your journey. Sometimes, it is extremely tough for us as adults to process our own pain let alone help our children understand death and the sense of loss that accompanies it. This is why we are more than happy to refer you to professional grief counsellors or psychologists who may make coping with grief easier for you as well as that for your children.

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